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Welcome to CII Waste Material Exchange    REGISTER
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is working on an initiative to facilitate use of urban & industrial waste as Alternate Fuel & Raw Materials (AFR) in Indian cement Industry, the main objective of the initiative is to facilitate waste exchange and promote Sustainable waste management practices and Circular Economy concepts in India. This initiative will support the Nation in reducing its overall Carbon emissions.
CII in partnership with European Union – Resource Efficiency Initiative for India (EU-REI) developed a unique website, which acts as a platform to facilitate material exchange and enable network between buyers and sellers, thereby promoting Resource Efficiency among the Stakeholders of waste management in the Country.
This website will offer a platform for waste generator (Non- Hazardous and Hazardous waste) to register and share the details of waste generated with quantity and quality. Also, offers waste users to access the information on waste generation and Policy framework for managing the waste in the Country. This website will facilitate significant synergies among large industries, Government, ULB's and SMEs, where the waste/ by-product of one may be used as a Resource in other, thereby reducing the use of natural resources & overall Carbon emissions.
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Related Links
- Virtual Conference on Alternative fuel and raw material : Dec 1,2 & 3
- Conference on Alternative fuel & Raw material 2020 : November 26 & 27
- Stakeholders consultation on construction & Demolition waste management in India
- EU-REI - CII workshop on Promoting Resource efficiency & waste exchange platform, 27 Nov 2019, Hyderabad
- CII paper released in the Special Publication of CMA Conserve 2019
- Utilization of Industrial waste as raw material in Cement plant
- Guidelines on usage of Refuse Derived Fuel in various Industries
- Alternative fuel usage in Indian Cement Industry
- Presentations of Stakeholder workshop in Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 12- December - 2017
- Indian Cement Review
- Guidelines for Pre-Processing and Co-Processing of Hazardous and Other Wastes in Cement Plant as per H&OWM Rules, 2016
- Green Cementech 2017 Presentations
- “Workshop on New policy changes and co-processing in cement plants”
- “Draft Guidelines for Pre-processing and Co-processing of Hazardous and Other Wastes in Cement Plants as per H&OW(M&TBM) Rules 2016”
- Presentations of Conference on AFR, Mumbai – 23 & 24 November 2016
- “ Waste management summit & Conference of Alternate Fuel and Raw material usage” Mumbai
- 25% Thermal Substitution Rate in Indian Cement industry by 2025
- New Hazardous waste
management rules 2016 - AFR usage in Indian Cement
plants - List of Trails conducted in Cement plant
- Presentations of National Seminar on Co-Processing, Chennai
- CPCB Procedure for Co-Processing
- White paper on Co-Processing Submitted to MOEF
- Summary of AFR Round table discussions
Contact Us
CII - Sohrabji Godrej Green Business CentreSurvey No 64, Kothaguda Post, Near Kothaguda Cross Roads
Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad - 500 032 (India)
Tel: 040 - 44185111 Fax: 040 - 23112837
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